WHO CC for Viral Hepatitis

We work closely with government to develop capacity and provide tools to strengthen the public health response to viral hepatitis in Australia.

Current projects

Linkage to Information and Care for people notified with hepatitis B service pilot (LINC-B) 

LINC-B is a twelve-month pilot program that aims to maximise linkage to healthcare services for people diagnosed with hepatitis B, and ensure they receive the information and care they need in a culturally appropriate and safe manner, as soon as possible following notification.  Learn more

Project contact: Roisin McColl | Project Officer  t: (03) 9342 9377 | e: roisin.mccoll@mh.org.au


Link-2-HepCare project

Link-2-HepCare is a translational research project that will design and evaluate a data-driven, systematic approach to the prioritisation and follow-up of hepatitis B and C cases, to support early linkage to care and reduce the incidence of liver cancer.

Learn more 


Viral hepatitis surveillance partnership with Victorian Government Department of Health

Since 2014, our team has provided support to the Communicable Diseases Epidemiology and Surveillance unit of the Victorian Government Department of Health in the analysis of surveillance data for hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and hepatitis D. This includes analysis and quarterly reporting of trends over time, demographic characteristics and risk factors of cases, and data completeness metrics.

Project contact: Jennifer MacLachlan | Senior Epidemiologist
t: (03) 9342 9373 | e: jennifer.maclachlan@mh.org.au

Past projects

Coordinated Hepatitis responses to Enhance the Cascade of Care by optimising existing Surveillance systems (CHECCS)

CHECCS was a pilot program funded by the Eliminate Hepatitis C Australia Partnership (EC Australia). Utilising Victoria's existing surveillance system and public health data environment, CHECCS aims to improve the delivery of care to Victorians living with chronic viral hepatitis by identifying people who have been diagnosed with viral hepatitis but have no evidence of follow-up testing or treatment.

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Victorian enhanced viral hepatitis surveillance project

The enhanced surveillance project aimed to strengthen the Victorian public health response to chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis C notifications, by increasing clinician awareness and engagement, improving care and prevention access for those diagnosed, and identifying cases of chronic viral hepatitis with potential public health significance.

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