The Univeristy of Melbourne The Royal Melbourne Hopspital

A joint venture between The University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital

Professor Lachlan Coin

Professor Lachlan Coin

Professor Lachlan Coin

(03) 8344 3831 |

Laboratory Head
Antimicrobial Resistance, Bacterial and Parasitic Infections
Discovery Research, Computational Science and Genomics, Public Health
Lab Group(s):
Coin group

Professor Lachlan Coin is a lead of the Computational Sciences and Genomics cross-cutting discipline at the Doherty Institute. Lachlan studied mathematics and physics at the Australian National University during his undergraduate degree. He obtained his PhD in Bioinformatics from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and University of Cambridge in 2005. He then took up a position as Research Council UK research fellow in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at Imperial College where he investigated the role of genetic variation in complex disease. In 2012, he took up a research group leader position at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience at the University of Queensland where he was also an ARC Future Fellowship. 

  • Key Achievements
    • Lachlan has worked extensively in the area of human and bacterial genomics and transcriptomics. He has pioneered the use of real-time sequencing for detection and characterization of bacterial pathogens direct from sample. Lachlan has also contributed extensively to development of host immune response biomarkers for detection of bacterial infection. Lachlan has developed a number of widely used algorithmic approaches for analysis of high throughput sequence data, with particular focus on detection of structural variation. His research is supported by project grants from the Australian Research Council and National Health and Medical research council, and he has secured fellowships including an ARC Future Fellowship in 2012 and an NHMRC Career Development fellowship (level 2) in 2017.  He serves on the editorial board of Gigascience.  

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    Research Groups
    • Coin group

      The Coin Group develops genomic and transcriptomic tools to develop biomarkers for rapid characterization of disease state and prediction of drug susceptibility, with the aim of decreasing the time taken from hospital admission to administering the right treatment. We currently focus on infectious disease as well as cancer.    

      Lab Team