The Univeristy of Melbourne The Royal Melbourne Hopspital

A joint venture between The University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital

Dr Francesca Mercuri

Dr Francesca Mercuri

Dr Francesca Mercuri

(03) 8344 5710 |

Influenza Program Project Manager
Immunology, Viral Infectious Diseases, Influenza
Discovery Research, Clinical and health systems research
Department of Microbiology and Immunology (DMI)
Lab Group(s):
Kedzierska Group

Dr Francesca Mercuri undertook her PhD at The University of Melbourne, followed by postdoctoral research also at The University of Melbourne and the University of East Anglia. Her PhD and postdoctoral focus was in understanding cartilage and tissue damage during arthritis and breast cancer. Francesca is currently working as the Project Manager for the Influenza Program Grant “Limiting the Impact of Influenza” to facilitate research by Chief Investigators Laureate Professor Peter Doherty; Professors Stephen Turner, David Jackson and Lorena Brown; and Associate Professors Katherine Kedzierska and Nicole La Gruta. Francesca is also the Jackson Laboratory Program Manager and is involved in facilitating the development of novel and innovative vaccine candidates. 

  • Publications
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    Research Groups
    • Kedzierska Group

      Professor Katherine Kedzierska’s team researches immunity to viral infections, especially the newly emerged SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. Her work spans basic research from mouse experiments to human immunity through to clinical settings, with particular focus on understanding universal CD8+ T cell immunity to respiratory viruses. Her studies aim to identify key correlates of severe and fatal respiratory disease in high-risk groups including children, the elderly, Australian First Nations people, pregnant women and patients with co-morbidities.

      Lab Team

      Kedzierska  Group

Full University of Melbourne profile