The Univeristy of Melbourne The Royal Melbourne Hopspital

A joint venture between The University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital

COMBAT-AMR: Combating the threat of antimicrobial resistance across the Asia-Pacific


COMBAT-AMR will deliver a capacity building and training program over the period 2024-2027 across Fiji, Samoa, Papua New Guinea and Cambodia to mitigate the threat of antimicrobial resistance. This will work through five major themes, using a people centred framework across human and animal health settings, prioritising a One Health approach and fostering regional collaboration and establishment of regional AMR networks and communities of practice.

Theory of Change - COMBAT-AMR Phase II
Theory of Change - COMBAT-AMR Phase II


Infection Prevention and Control

Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) systems will be improved across healthcare facilities: including capacity building and training to improve IPC and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) practices, reducing risks of healthcare associated infections through; effective monitoring and implementation of policies and procedures, improved clinical governance and management of IPC programs.

Antimicrobial Stewardship

Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) practices will be addressed across healthcare facilities: through improving AMS programs in hospitals, support development of policy and advocacy for essential medicines, and support clinical governance for antimicrobial stewardship.

Laboratory Capacity

Laboratory capacity for diagnosis of AMR will be boosted: through improved laboratory detection of AMR in an accurate and timely manner; conducting situation and capacity assessments to guide planning and implementation of laboratory infrastructure; and through the establishment of efficient referral pathways for AMR pathogens.


Surveillance of AMR at national and facility levels will be enhanced through improving procedures and practices to undertake surveillance and respond to AMR pathogens, including through the use of genomics and IT solutions.

Animal Health

The capability to understand and respond to AMR across animal health settings will be improved through workforce capacity building to diagnose, prescribe and undertake surveillance of animal diseases.

