89c4 Discovery Research | Doherty Website

The Univeristy of Melbourne The Royal Melbourne Hopspital

A joint venture between The University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital

Dr Shivani Pasricha is a junior lab head in the Department of Infectious Diseases, Doherty Institute, mentored by Professor Deborah Williamson. She holds a team leader position in the Department of Infectious Diseases and Immune Defence at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, and an honorary position at Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory. Shivani is a member of the AMR Hub, world-first partnership between industry, researchers and end users to transform antimicrobial resistance and stewardship. She is part of a team that uses molecular and genomic approaches to improve the detection, preventation and surveillance of infectious diseases and to answer questions of clinical importance.

  • Key Achievements
    • Shivani published several first author articles focussed on fungal pathogenesis. Known for her novel research into Legionella nuclear effectors and amoebal infection, she received the UniMelb ECR Research Grant, Lorne Infection and Immunity Career Development Award and the Hudson Institute Next Big Idea Pitch Award. In her current role, she is considered an emerging leader in STI diagnostics and transmission, publishing in multiple high impact journals.

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    Research Groups
    • Williamson group

      The Williamson research group focuses on the development and evaluation of new diagnostic tests, and the translation of genomic technologies to infectious diseases. Their research has directly influenced the way microbiology is applied to clinical practice and public health, including responses to antimicrobial resistance, sexually-transmitted pathogens and COVID-19. 

      Lab Team

      Williamson group