4d33 Services | Doherty Applied Microbial Genomics | Doherty Website

The Univeristy of Melbourne The Royal Melbourne Hopspital

A joint venture between The University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital

Amplicon 16S Microbiota Profiling Services

Doherty Applied Microbial Genomics has extended expertise in microbial ecology and microbiome sciences, with research academics actively involved in The University of Melbourne’s Environmental Microbiology Research Initiative, and strong collaborations with world-leading microbiome experts.

Our amplicon-based 16S profiling of microbial communities conform to international standards by way of the Earth Microbiome Project, and offers high resolution in identifying exact sequence variants within an ecosystem. Our services take advantage of paired-end 16S sequencing on the Illumina platforms using universal prokaryotic 515F and 806R primers targeting the V4 region of the 16S small subunit rRNA gene. Through our strong collaborations with world-leading experts, we offer bioinformatic analyses that are at the vanguard of microbiome science.

Our standard reporting includes:

  • Quality control metrics e.g., Number of sequences per sample
  • Alpha rarefaction curve analysis i.e., An assessment of sequencing the microbial community to saturation
  • Biodiversity bar plots i.e., Illustrating community composition as relative frequencies
  • Alpha-diversity analysis e.g., Visually and statistically comparing, for example, Shannon’s diversity index across different groupings
  • Beta-diversity analysis e.g., An Emperor plot of, for example, Bray-Curtis distances representing a quantitative measure of community dissimilarity

We provide the primary sequence files (FASTQ), and post-QC files, including the Feature Table (BIOM), and Feature Sequences (FASTA). The Feature Table and Sequence files are provided in an effort to enable, and facilitate, targeted downstream bioinformatic analyses by our end users. Alternatively, please contact us for the potential of collaborative investigations of your dataset; for example, identifying key microbes that may be associated with a metadata variable (e.g., infection phase) using differential abundance analyses, and computing phylogenetically-aware beta-diversity analyses.

More information is available here

For further enquiry, please contact key microbiome researchers at Doherty Applied Microbial Genomics.