The Univeristy of Melbourne The Royal Melbourne Hopspital

A joint venture between The University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital


Research Projects

Project: Neuroimmune interactions in virus infection

Mueller Group

This project will examine how viruses interact with the peripheral nervous system. We are investigating how neuroinflammation occurs, and how nervous-immune system interactions shape outcomes of infectious diseases. 

Contact project supervisor for further
information and application enquiries

Project Supervisor

Professor Scott Mueller

Project availability
Master of Biomedical Science

Mueller Group

5 vacancies

Viral Infectious Diseases
Cross Cutting Disciplines
Discovery Research

Research in the Mueller group is focused on examining immune responses and nervous system interactions during acute and chronic viral infections and in cancer. We are seeking a fundamental understanding of biology and new treatments for disease. We are using state-of-the-art methods, including advanced microscopy, spectral flow cytometry, single cell sequencing and bioinformatics.

Mueller Group Current Projects