The Univeristy of Melbourne The Royal Melbourne Hopspital

A joint venture between The University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital

Doherty Institute PhD Program

What is the Doherty Institute PhD Program?

The Doherty Institute PhD Program offers graduate researchers the opportunity to supplement their primary research project with a range of professional development activities. This professional development includes specialised training to equip graduate researchers with a broad set of skills, knowledge, and competence for employment opportunities beyond the pure research environment.

All Doherty Institute graduate researchers who are enrolled for a PhD or MPhil through the University of Melbourne have the opportunity to participate in the Doherty Institute PhD Program. 

Contact Andrew Howes at for more information.

If you're a current Doherty Institute Graduate Researcher, please visit our dedicated intranet page for further information.

What are the benefits?

The Doherty Institute PhD Program provides an innovative and engaging training environment for graduate researchers. This multidisciplinary program will offer graduate researchers first class research training in their primary discipline, with the additional breadth of real-world experiences and training opportunities beyond their immediate research topic. Our workshops target the skills that are valued in the job market and prepare graduate researchers to make informed choices about their future career path. This powerful combination of training and development will give graduates a competitive advantage to establish fulfilling and influential careers across academia and beyond.

  • Research excellence: learn from global leaders in infection and immunity with access to high calibre facilities to maximise your graduate research experience.  
  • Enhanced employability: our multidisciplinary approach to professional development and learning better prepares you for future employment.
  • Being part of a community: connect with like-minded graduate researchers and build confidence engaging with others, as well as to encourage and advise fellow graduate researchers.


Education and Training Coordinator

Doherty PhD Program Co-Directors

Professor Richard (Dick) Strugnell


Professor Stephen Rogerson

Email: Professor Stephen Rogerson

Associate Professor Alexandra Corbett
