6e25 MxA, a potential antiviral magic bullet? | Doherty Website

The Univeristy of Melbourne The Royal Melbourne Hopspital

A joint venture between The University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital


Research Projects

Project: MxA, a potential antiviral magic bullet?

Mackenzie Group

The human MxA protein is normally viewed as a useful biomarker for infection, as it is highly upregulated in the presence of IFN. However, it is also a very potent antiviral protein against many viruses  particularly influenza virus. We have shown that MxA can be genetically retargeted it can be effective in restricting the replication of viruses normally resistant due to the compartmentalisation of their replication steps and cycles. Thus, this project aims to redirect the localisation of MxA to different celular compartments to inhibit the replication of a broad range of virus families. We aim to show that the recombinant MxA can be delivered via novel RNA technologies.

Contact project supervisor for further
information and application enquiries

Project Supervisor

Professor Jason Mackenzie

Project availability
Master of Biomedical Science

Mackenzie Group


1 vacancies

Viral Infectious Diseases
Bacterial and Parasitic Infections
Cross Cutting Disciplines
Discovery Research

The Mackenzie group investigates the intracellular replication of flaviviruses and noroviruses to understand how replication influences cellular functions and immune dysfunction. In particular, the influences viral replication imparts on metabolic and stress pathways that ultimately lead to immune regulation and dysfunction. We aim to use this knowledge to develop prevention and treatment options against these highly pathogenic viruses.

Mackenzie Group Current Projects